Image of Sea lettuce
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Sea Lettuce

Ulva lactuca

Scientific Names

Preferred Names

Ulva lactuca
Species recognized by Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2 1
Reference taxon from NCBI Taxonomy
Ulva lactuca
Species recognized by Sulu Sea Species List, United Kingdom Species List, South Atlantic Species List, Indian Ocean Species List, North Pacific Species List, South Pacific Species List, North Atlantic Species List, North Sea Species List, Celtic Sea Species List, Greenland Sea Species List, Irish Sea Species List, Kattegat Species List, Skagerrak Species List, English Channel Species List, Bristol Channel Species List, Tyrrhenian Sea Species List, Barents Sea Species List, Hudson Bay Species List, Arabian Sea Species List, Laccadive Sea Species List, Bay of Bengal Species List, Andaman Sea Species List, Great Australian Bight Species List, Inner Seas off the West Coast of Scotland Species, Caribbean Sea Species List, Gulf of Mexico Species List, Bay of Fundy Species List, Gulf of St Lawrence Species List, Philippine Sea Species List, Gulf of Alaska Species List, South China Sea Species List, Singapore Strait Species List, Tasman Sea Species List, The Netherlands Species List, South Africa Species List, Sweden Species List, Venezuela Species List, Saint Helena Ascension and Tristan da Cunha, New Zealand Species List, Portugal Species List, Singapore Species List, Isle of Man Species List, Ireland Species List, Mexico Species List, Falkland Islands Species List, Faroe Islands Species List, France Species List, Germany Species List, Ghana Species List, Iceland Species List, Gulf of Guinea Species List, Cayman Islands Species List, Dominica Species List, Croatia Species List, Chile Species List, Colombia Species List, Coral Sea Species List, Bass Strait Species List, Bay of Biscay Species List, Bailiwick of Jersey Species List, Australia Species List, Cape Verde Species List, Denmark Species List, Norway Species List, Barcode of Life Data Systems, BioImages, the virtual fieldguide, UK, Brazil Species List, Canada Species List, China Species List, Greenland Species List, Philippines Species List, Russia Species List, Cape Verde Species List, Protists in Singapore, Wikidata, and The US National Vegetation Classification USNVC
Ulva lactuca
Ulva lactuca L.
Species recognized by GBIF classification
Ulva lactuca Linnaeus
Genus recognized by Thailand Species List
Ulva lactuca Linnaeus
Species recognized by Arctic Algae
Ulva lactuca Linnaeus 1753
Ulva lactuca Linneaus 1753
Ulva cf. lactuca BW- 2013
Species recognized by Barcode of Life Data Systems
Ulva lactuca Linnaeus 1753
Species recognized by TreatmentBank

Alternative Names

Ulva lacinulata (Kütz.) Wittr.
Homotypic synonym according to GBIF classification (Originally found in sources as accepted taxon within Ulva L.)

Common Names


Sea lettuce preferred
Recognized by wikipedia 日本語 and Wikidata
sea lettuce
Recognized by Wikidata


أولفا خسية preferred
Recognized by Wikidata


Itsas uraza preferred
Recognized by Wikidata


Ульва салатная preferred
Recognized by Wikidata


Морска салата preferred
Recognized by Wikidata

Catalan; Valencian

enciam de mar preferred
Recognized by Wikidata


石蓴 preferred
Recognized by wikipedia 日本語 and Wikidata


porost locikový preferred
Recognized by Wikidata


Havsalat preferred
Recognized by Wikidata

Dutch; Flemish

Zeesla preferred
Recognized by wikipedia 日本語 and Wikidata


laitue de mer preferred
Recognized by Wikidata


Leituga de mar preferred
Recognized by Wikidata


Meersalat preferred
Recognized by Wikidata


tengerisaláta preferred
Recognized by Wikidata


Maríusvunta preferred
Recognized by Wikidata


Glasán preferred
Recognized by Wikidata


オオバアオサ preferred
Recognized by Furui 2020


морска марула preferred
Recognized by Wikidata


Havsalat preferred
Recognized by Wikidata


Ulwa sałatowa preferred
Recognized by Wikidata

Scottish Gaelic

Glasag preferred
Recognized by Wikidata

Spanish; Castilian

Lechuga de mar preferred
Recognized by Wikidata


Havssallat preferred
Recognized by Wikidata


Морський салат preferred
Recognized by Wikidata

Zh Hans

石莼 preferred
Recognized by Wikidata

Zh Hant

石蓴 preferred
Recognized by Wikidata

Zh Hk

石蓴 preferred
Recognized by Wikidata

Zh Tw

石蓴 preferred
Recognized by Wikidata
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Curated hierarchies for Ulva lactuca

Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2 1

Cellular Organisms
OUU clade
Ulva Linnaeus 1753
Ulva lactuca (this page)
103 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the resource file for a full list.