

provided by World Register of Marine Species
Antedonidae with centrodorsal rounded conical; aboral polerounded, commonly rugose or tuberculate; cirrus-free portion broad or small. Cirrus sockets crowded, alternating in irregular circles, increasing in size toward base. Adoral side of centrodorsal smooth, without radial pits, interradial furrows, or ridges. Centrodorsal cavity 30-40% of centrodorsal diameter. Cirri rather long, with 25-55 cirrals; distal cirrals with aboral spine or process. Radials usually prominent, with exposed surface concave and projecting, to low and almost concealed midradially. Radial articular facet gently sloping, rather wide, separated by narrow interradial margin. Interarticular ligament fossae triangular, approximately as high as adoral muscle fossae. Ridge separating interarticular from muscle fossa narrow, commonly indistinct. Midradial ridge and notch usually low and wide. Radial cavity funnel shaped. Arms divided at primibrachial 2 and at secundibrachial 2 in some arms of Perometra afra. Primibrachial 1 low, commonly narrow and laterally overhung by proximal end of primibrachial 2. Synarthry between brachials 1-2 usually embayed. First pinnule stout, with <20 pinnulars. First interior and sometimes first exterior pinnule frequently absent. Second pinnule differs from genital pinnules.
WoRMS Editorial Board
bibliographic citation
Hess H, Messing CG (2011) Comatulida. In: Hess H, Messing CG, Ausich WI. Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, Part T, Echinodermata 2 Revised, Crinoidea, vol. 3. University of Kansas Press, Lawrence, Kansas, pp. 70–146.
Messing, Charles, C.G.