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Male. Length of forewing 2.5–4.0 (n=88). Head with patches of scales dorsally; posterolateral warts large, eversible, with scaled membranous lobes revealed when everted, with 2 ocelli; antennae with scape slightly enlarged, pedicel subtriangular, basal 3 flagellomeres narrow and compact. Dorsum of head brown with yellow setae; thorax brown with yellow setae dorsally, brown ventrally; leg segments with brown setae. Forewings covered with fine brown setae with transverse stripe of yellow setae on basal 1/2 and small scattered patches of yellow setae on distal 1/3. Genitalia. Abdominal sternum VII with mesoventral process replaced by tuft of dense, prominent setae. Sternum VIII in ventral view with posterior margin concave. Segment IX anterolateral margin convex, posterolateral margin convex; in dorsal view anterior margin concave, posterior margin broadly concave. Tergum × with dorsal sclerite slender; ventral sclerite semielliptic with tridentate posterior margin; membranous apex not well developed. Subgenital plate with dorsal arm not apparent; ventral arm hollow, apex acute (Fig. 34A), in ventral view base with crenulate margin, apex rounded. Inferior appendage digitate, bearing single dorsal spine; in ventral view apex rounded. Phallus apex bearing U-shaped internal apodeme, broad ventral sclerite, and 2 pairs of membranous apicodorsal lobes.
Robin E. Thomson, Ralph W. Holzenthal
bibliographic citation
Thomson R, Holzenthal R (2015) A revision of the Neotropical caddisfly genus Leucotrichia Mosely, 1934 (Hydroptilidae, Leucotrichiinae) ZooKeys (499): 1–100
Robin E. Thomson
Ralph W. Holzenthal
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