Image of <i>Kunzea salterae</i> de Lange
Unresolved name

Kunzea salterae de Lange


provided by Phytokeys
(Figs 22, 23, 24). Growth habit shrubs to small trees 0.1–6(–10) × 2–4(–6) m with broad, spreading to somewhat pendulous crowns, rarely plants completely decumbent, sprawling across ground. Trunk usually multi-trunked from base, up to 0.3 m d.b.h., these mostly widely spreading to suberect, flexuose, often basally buttressed, branches frequent from base in exposed sites, otherwise naturally thinning in the lower half of the trunk. Bark early bark brown, initially firm, somewhat sinuous-fluted, elongate, over time cracking transversely (especially on branch flanges), and with apices gradually detaching and raising to present as small lunate (in profile) flakes, old grey-brown bark flaking readily in small, somewhat irregular tabular shards, often with small lunate secondary peeling; somewhat corky to chartaceous. Branches Two to many, suberect to widely spreading, rarely ascending, mostly pendulous, branchlets numerous and very leafy, rather slender, initially subterete soon becoming quadrangular; sericeous, indumentum initially copious rarely glabrate to glabrous, hairs on young rapidly growing apices, copious, sericeous, straight, antrorse-appressed up to 0.55 mm, these soon falling; other mostly divergent hairs long persistent, (especially opposite leaf buds and expanding foliage), 0.04–0.08(–0.1) mm, hyaline to translucent (appearing white when young maturing grey), apices ± curled, often admixed (particularly toward branchlet apices and near decurrent leaf bases) with deciduous antrorse-appressed, straight to somewhat sinuous hairs up to 0.28 mm. Vegetative buds inconspicuous at resting stage 0.5–1.0 mm diam.; scales deciduous; (0.6–)1.2–2.3 mm long, stramineous to pale brown, initially broadly ovate to ovate-lanceolate grading through broadly lanceolate to narrowly lanceolate, midrib strongly keeled, prolonged to apiculate tip, with one prominent row of 4–10 oil glands on either side of midrib, margins, apex, apiculus and keel finely ciliate. Leaves ± spreading to patent; lamina (4–)10(–18) × (0.6–)1.2(–2.0) mm, bright glossy green, yellow-green, bronze-green to dark green; linear-lanceolate to narrowly oblanceolate, flat not recurved, apex acute to subacute, cuspidate, rarely obtuse to rounded; base attenuate; adaxial surface slightly concave to flat, finely glandular punctate; oil glands 180(–280), more evident when dry; midrib slightly raised to depressed near base otherwise depressed for entire length, initially densely covered in fine, antrorse-appressed silky hairs up to 0.22 mm, becoming glabrescent; abaxial surface slightly convex, finely glandular punctate, oil glands less obvious when fresh than when dry, up to 100, with the larger glands aligned longitudinally along midrib; midrib slightly raised, usually glabrous, sometimes with a fine weft of silky, deciduous, antrorse-appressed hairs near base; lamina margin sparsely to densely, finely sericeous, hairs mostly antrorse-appressed, up to 0.5 mm, hyaline to translucent, appearing as white to naked eye; hairs in 1–2 somewhat irregular rows just failing to meet short of cuspidate leaf apex. Perules scarious, basal ones usually persistent, 1.2–1.4 mm long, stramineous to brown, broadly to narrowly lanceolate, involute, midrib strongly keeled prolonged as a cuspidate apex, with one row of 4–8 oil glands on either side of midrib, lower two-thirds glabrous, upper one-third finely ciliate; remaining perules deciduous, chartaceous, 0.6–1.4 mm long, pale pink to pinkish-white when fresh, drying apricot to apricot-pink, broadly oval, ovate to rhomboid, finely and copiously ciliate, strongly keeled, keel prolonged, apiculate, margins and keel more distinctly ciliate. Inflorescence a (2–)4(–8)-flowered corymbiform botryum up to 45 mm long, usually on brachyblasts, rarely on long shoots in which case invariably terminal (only very rarely with terminal vegetative growth). Inflorescence axis densely invested with mostly divergent hairs. Pherophylls deciduous (falling very early), mostly squamiform, rarely foliose, spreading, 0.6–1.8 mm long; squamiform pherophylls brown or amber, sometimes pink, drying apricot-brown, broadly deltoid to oblong-ovate, margins involute especially in upper one-third, midrib strongly keeled prolonged as cuspidate apex, with one row of 4–8 oil glands on each side of midrib; glabrous except for the finely ciliate margin and apex; foliose pherophylls bright green, linear, margins and apex finely ciliate; both types grading into chartaceous, into perules and/or leaves at inflorescence terminus. Pedicels (1.1–)2.6(–3.0) mm long at anthesis and elongating slightly after anthesis, terete, finely invested in divergent to subantrorse sericeous hairs. Flower buds pyriform to clavate, apex domed with calyx valves not or scarcely meeting. Fresh flowers when fully expanded up (9–)10(–12) mm diam. Hypanthium (2.1–)2.2(–3.8) × (1.8–)2.2(–3.2) mm, with free portion 1.0–1.6 mm long, reddish-brown when fresh, drying resinous brown to grey; narrowly obconic to funnelform terminating in a slightly thicker rim bearing five persistent calyx lobes; surface smooth, finely glandular punctate, sparsely hairy to glabrate, with five rather weakly defined ridges leading up to calyx lobes (these becoming more distinct upon drying); hairs scattered, subantrorse to antrorse, flexuose. Calyx lobes 5, upright (not spreading), 0.6(–0.9) × 1.1(–1.3) mm, persistent, broadly to narrowly triangular, weakly and broadly keeled (the keel though ill-defined in fresh specimens recognisable as a dark pink to red, thicker central prolongation of the hypanthium ridges), margins cream to pale yellow, gland-dotted, subcoriaceous, glabrate except for distinctly ciliate apex. Receptacle dark red at anthesis. Petals 5, spreading, 1.4–1.6 × 1.4–1.6 mm, white, rarely basally flushed pink, orbicular to suborbicular, apex obtuse to rotund, margins usually finely crimped, oil glands colourless or rose-pink, scarcely evident when fresh. Stamens 28–36(–38) in 1–2 weakly defined whorls, adnate to receptacular rim, filaments white rarely tinged rose-pink toward base. Antipetalous stamens 3(–5) antisepalous 3(–4). Outermost antipetalous stamens strongly outcurved, on filaments 2.5–3.25 mm long, inner stamen 1.8–2.2 mm, outcurved, on occasion a further 1–2 incurved or outcurved, stamens 0.8–1.0 mm long, positioned at the base of the outermost antipetalous pair. Antisepalous stamens much shorter than antipetalous, 0.6–0.9(–1) mm, incurved, outcurved or in mixtures of both. Anthers dorsifixed, 0.11–0.16 × 0.10–0.14 mm, scutiform to ovoid, latrorse, each anther deeply and longitudinally furrowed, with one anther lobe in each pair fused at right angles along inner margin with adjoining anther lobe to form a prominent ‘pinched’ longitudinal ridge. Pollen white, (10.2–)14.7(–16.6) μm. Anther connective gland prominent, pale orange to pink when fresh, drying orange-brown, spheroidal, finely papillate, somewhat farinose. Ovary (3–)4 locular, each locule with 8–10 ovules in two rows on each placental lobe. Style 2.1–3.2 mm long at anthesis, white basally flushed with pink; stigma capitate, up to 1× style diam., flat, abruptly broadened, pale cream, finely papillate rugulose. Fruits rarely persistent, (2.0–)2.2(–2.7) × (2.0–)2.9(–4.0) mm, light brown to grey, cupular to suburceolate, splits concealed by dried, erect, free portion of hypanthium. Seeds 0.80–1.00 × 0.45–0.48 mm, narrowly oblong, oblong, oblong-obovate to falcate-oblong or elliptic, curved near apex, laterally compressed, 2–3-angled with convex to flattened faces, apex rounded; base cuneate to oblique, ± flattened; testa semi-glossy, orange-brown; surface coarsely reticulate, ridges prominent, central portion of some cells furnished with short, tubular-spiny, protuberances. FL: Aug–Apr FT: Aug–Sep. Chromosome Number n = 11II, 2n = 22 (AK 283253, P. B. Cashmore s.n., AK 298088, P. J. de Lange.
Peter J. de Lange
bibliographic citation
de Lange P (2014) A revision of the New Zealand Kunzea ericoides (Myrtaceae) complex PhytoKeys (40): 1–185
Peter J. de Lange
visit source
partner site


provided by Phytokeys
(Fig. 7). Endemic, New Zealand, North Island, Bay of Plenty, Moutohora (Whale Island) (sea level to 220 m a.s.l.).
Peter J. de Lange
bibliographic citation
de Lange P (2014) A revision of the New Zealand Kunzea ericoides (Myrtaceae) complex PhytoKeys (40): 1–185
Peter J. de Lange
visit source
partner site