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Male. Length of forewing ca. 2.0–5.0 mm. Wings unmodified, lacking a pouch, bulla, or patches of scales; forewing broad basally, acute apically; hind wing narrow, more acute than forewing, with row of hooked setae basal to cross vein r (Fig. 1E), edges with long setal fringe. Head with 2 or 3 ocelli; bearing setae and pair of setiferous posterolateral warts, dorsal region sometimes bearing modifications such as eversible posterolateral warts, patches of scales in place of setae, or setiferous protuberances (Figs 1A, 3, 4); antennae generally simple and unmodified, all flagellomeres of uniform size and shape, except in some species in which they may be elongate or have an inflated appearance (Figs 1A, 3). Maxillary palps with 5 segments, labial palps with 3 segments (Fig. 1B). Tibial spur count 1, 3, 4 (Fig. 1D). Mesoscutellum with transverse suture; metascutellum pentagonal (Fig. 1C). Genitalia. Abdominal sternum VII with single mesoventral process or tuft of prominent setae (Figs 2B, D, 34B). Sternum VIII produced posteroventrally beneath segment IX (Fig. 2B), with a posteromesal division (Fig. 2D). Segment IX open ventrally, sternum not developed (Fig. 2D), posterolateral margin with row of prominent setae (Fig. 2A). Tergum × with heavily sclerotized lateral plates, consisting of ventral and dorsal sclerites, and membranous apex (Fig. 2A). Subgenital plate connected dorsally to ventral angles of tergum × sclerites, produced ventrally as elongate mesal sclerite extending to base of inferior appendage, sometimes with dorsal arm (Fig. 10A), always with ventral arm (Fig. 2A, 10A). Inferior appendage simple, elongate, sometimes fused mesoventrally, generally with dorsal spine (Fig. 2A, D). Phallus tubular basally, constricted at midlength with median complex bearing basal loop and pair of spherical “windows” (Fig. 8E, F), basal loop sometimes extended on pair of basal supports (Fig. 10F); apex large, membranous, sac-like, generally bearing spines or sclerites.
Robin E. Thomson, Ralph W. Holzenthal
bibliographic citation
Thomson R, Holzenthal R (2015) A revision of the Neotropical caddisfly genus Leucotrichia Mosely, 1934 (Hydroptilidae, Leucotrichiinae) ZooKeys (499): 1–100
Robin E. Thomson
Ralph W. Holzenthal
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