

provided by Zookeys
Male. Length of forewing 1.9–2.5 mm (n=9). Head unmodified, with 3 ocelli; antennae unmodified. Color in alcohol brown. Genitalia. Abdominal sternum VII with elongate mesoventral process with enlarged apex. Sternum VIII in ventral view with posterior margin concave with rounded mesal emargination. Segment IX anterolateral margin straight, posterolateral margin convex; in dorsal view anterior margin concave, posterior margin straight. Tergum × with dorsal sclerite slender; ventral sclerite semielliptic with tridentate posterior margin; membranous apex not well developed. Subgenital plate with dorsal arm not apparent; ventral arm arched mesally, apex slightly flared (Fig. 2A), in ventral view with rounded apical emargination. Inferior appendage broadest mesally, apex rounded, bearing single dorsal spine; in ventral view fused basally, subspatulate. Phallus with “windows” of median complex not apparent, basal loop composed of 2 separate filaments, apex bearing dorsal sclerite with crenulate margins and pair of elongate internal sclerites.
Robin E. Thomson, Ralph W. Holzenthal
bibliographic citation
Thomson R, Holzenthal R (2015) A revision of the Neotropical caddisfly genus Leucotrichia Mosely, 1934 (Hydroptilidae, Leucotrichiinae) ZooKeys (499): 1–100
Robin E. Thomson
Ralph W. Holzenthal
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