Image of <i>Renodaeus mimeticus</i> Henry 2015
Unresolved name

Renodaeus mimeticus Henry 2015


provided by Zookeys
Male (n = 3; holotype measurements in parentheses): Length 2.59–2.72 mm (2.72 mm), width 0.86 mm (0.93 mm). Head: Width 0.67–0.69 mm (0.69 mm), interocular width 0.24 mm (0.22 mm). Labium: Length 0.77–0.80 mm (0.78 mm). Antennae: Segment I, length 0.18–0.21 mm (0.19 mm); II, 0.56–0.59 mm (0.56 mm); III, 0.35—0.40 mm (0.35 mm); IV, 0.30–0.32 mm (0.32 mm). Pronotum: Length 0.58–0.59 mm (0.59 mm), basal width 0.80 mm (0.83 mm). Coloration: Head: Yellowish brown. Antenna: Segment I pale brown, with a broad red stripe on dorsal side; segment II brown; segments III and IV reddish brown. Pronotum: Dark brown to fuscous, paler anteriorly between calli. Scutellum: Fuscous. Hemelytron: Dark brown to fuscous; membrane translucent smoky brown. Ventral surface: Dark brown, abdominal segments reddish brown. Ostiolar evaporative area: Pale brown. Legs: Coxae pale brown, fore and hind coxae tinged with red; remainder of legs missing, except two detached, possibly middle legs, femur brown, paler on apical l/3, with a red mark at apex; tibiae reddish brown; tarsi and claws brown. Structure, texture, and vestiture: Head: Smooth, shiny, frons with widely scattered, fine, black punctures. Labium: Extending to hind coxae. Antenna: Segment II slender, gradually thickening to apex; segments III and IV fusiform. Pronotum: Polished, smooth, with widely scattered, fine, black punctures, basal angles widely flared, somewhat turned upward and distinctly depressed posteriorly near outer angle, nearly glabrous, with a few scattered, erect, simple setae. Scutellum: punctate, with a thick patch of white scale-like setae through middle, intermixed with a thick bunch of long, erect, white, simple setae. Hemelytron: Distinctly constricted through middle, widest across cuneus, polished, deeply black punctured on clavus and middle of corium, with scattered, fine punctures on cuneus and apical area of corium; densely set with golden scale-like setae on clavus and middle of corium, with patches of white scale-like setae at base of clavus and through middle of corium (along posterior edge of golden setae) and across apical third of clavus, intermixed with several long, erect, nearly bristle-like setae on clavus and corium and along inner margin of cuneus, cuneus and apical third of corium glabrous. Male genitalia: Left paramere (Fig. 289) with a beak-like left process and a more slender, apically bent right process. Right paramere (Fig. 291) with three large, marginally crenulate processes, the right one most slender (in one specimen, this process is shorter than the stout middle process). Phallotheca (Fig. 290) relatively simple, cone-shaped. Female (n = 4): Length 2.59–2.75 mm, width 0.86–0.93 mm. Head: Width 0.66–0.67 mm, interocular width 0.32–0.34 mm. Labium: Length 0.78–0.82 mm. Antenna: Segment I, length 0.19 mm; II, 0.51–0.54 mm; III, 0.34–0.37 mm; IV, 0.30 mm. Pronotum: Length 0.58–0.59 mm, basal width 0.78 mm. Similar to male in coloration, structure, texture, and vestiture.
Thomas J. Henry
bibliographic citation
Henry T (2015) Revision of the Ceratocapsine Renodaeus group: Marinonicoris, Pilophoropsis, Renodaeus, and Zanchisme, with descriptions of four new genera (Heteroptera, Miridae, Orthotylinae) ZooKeys (490): 1–156
Thomas J. Henry
visit source
partner site


provided by Zookeys
Known only from Orellana Province, Ecuador.
Thomas J. Henry
bibliographic citation
Henry T (2015) Revision of the Ceratocapsine Renodaeus group: Marinonicoris, Pilophoropsis, Renodaeus, and Zanchisme, with descriptions of four new genera (Heteroptera, Miridae, Orthotylinae) ZooKeys (490): 1–156
Thomas J. Henry
visit source
partner site