Image of Epicephala laeviclada Li

Epicephala laeviclada Li


provided by Zookeys
Adult (Fig. 7). Forewing expanse 5.0−7.5 mm. Head white to greyish brown, lateral sides with long black scales. Labial palpus black, inner surface greyish white to black, basal 1/3 of second and both ends of third segments greyish white. Antenna dark brown, scape with long and narrow scales, flagellum with narrow greyish rings. Thorax white to greyish brown. Tegula brown, apically greyish white. Forewing brown to dark brown; three white striae from costal 1/4, 1/3 and 2/5 extending obliquely outward to 1/3 width of forewing; dorsum with broad white band along basal 1/3, serrated on upper edge, distally with a stria extending obliquely outward to middle of cell, with a small triangular white spot and an obliquely outward stria at middle and before 5/6, respectively; a narrow silvery-white fascia with metallic reflection from costal 5/6 to dorsum; distal 1/6 ochreous, with a central black spot edged by a white dot near costa and a white band along dorsum; cilia greyish white except black at basal margin and apex. Hindwing and cilia greyish brown. Abdomen dark brown. Male genitalia (Fig. 10). Tegumen elongate elliptical, lateral sides narrow and sclerotized. Valva rectangular, somewhat longer than tegumen, nearly parallel dorso-ventrally, costal margin gently curved, apex rounded. Sacculus narrowed, compact, elongate triangular, approximately 2/3 length of valva, apex bluntly rounded and connected with sclerotized ridge obliquely arched to base of vinculum; sparsely with long setae ventrally. Transtilla S-shaped, stout basally, curved downward distally, acute apically. Vinculum short and broad, somewhat rectangular; saccus slender, nearly the same length as vinculum, apex bluntly rounded. Phallus stout, bullet-like, approximately 3/4 length of valva; cornuti composed of dense spinules grouped into a bundle. Female genitalia (Fig. 13). Ovipositor broad, cone-shaped, dentate laterally, acute apically. Apophysis posterioris strong, 1.2 times longer than apophysis anterioris. Lamella postvaginalis situated at base of antrum medially, short cone-shaped, approximately 2/5 width of antrum, same length with width. Antrum thick, heavily sclerotized, slightly longer than 8th abdominal segment. Ductus bursae membranous, broadly expanded, as long as antrum; ductus seminalis expanded, arising from base of ductus bursae. Corpus bursae oval, shorter than ductus bursae, medially with a small semilunar signum.
Houhun Li, Xiaofei Yang
bibliographic citation
Li H, Yang X (2015) Three new species of Epicephala Meyrick (Lepidoptera, Gracillariidae) associated with Phyllanthus microcarpus (Benth.) (Phyllanthaceae) ZooKeys (484): 71–81
Houhun Li
Xiaofei Yang
visit source
partner site


provided by Zookeys
China (Guangxi and Hainan).
Houhun Li, Xiaofei Yang
bibliographic citation
Li H, Yang X (2015) Three new species of Epicephala Meyrick (Lepidoptera, Gracillariidae) associated with Phyllanthus microcarpus (Benth.) (Phyllanthaceae) ZooKeys (484): 71–81
Houhun Li
Xiaofei Yang
visit source
partner site