Image of <i>Bryobia belliloci</i> Auger, Arabuli & Migeon 2015
Unresolved name

Bryobia belliloci Auger, Arabuli & Migeon 2015


provided by Zookeys
FEMALE. Holotype 485 long (excluding gnathosoma) gnathosoma 110 long (measured to the tip of palps), width 352. 9 paratypes measured, 481–528, gnathosoma 104–120 long, width 318–354. Dorsum. Prodorsum with four pairs of setae, with weakly developed anterior lobes (Figs 1A, 2A–B). Outer propodosomal lobes small, about 10 µm, more or less similar in length to dorsal tubercles; inner lobes with large fused base forming cone-shaped projection, incision between median lobes wide and shallow. Basal width of propodosomal lobes about 76 (74–82), distance between first (v1) and second (v2) pair of propodosomal setae insertions 19 (17–19) and 65 (49–70), respectively. v2 setae about 2.5 the size of v1. An imaginary transversal line joining tip of v1 setae crosses v2 setae about their two-thirds. Dorsal body setae elongated, slender, serrate, acute distally, inserted on tubercles, subequal in length (v1, v2, c3 setae smaller, v1 the smallest) (Fig. 1B). Dorsocentral setae c1 and e1 shorter than distances between consecutive setae, d1 longer than distance between setal insertions d1 and e1 (length of holotype and variations of 9 paratypes): v1 20 (18–23); v2 52 (48–54); sc1 65 (65–71); sc2 70 (62–70); c1 74 (74–88); c2 75 (66–75); c3 55 (52–60); d1 74 (71–81); d2 80 (77–90); d3 82 (78–91); e1 79 (76–90); e2 83 (79–91); e3 83 (78–92); f1 81 (76–85); f2 84 (76–84); h1 72 (69–73). Distances between setae: c1-c1 69 (58–70), d1-d1 33 (30–43), e1-e1 26 (20–28), c1-d1 91 (90–96), d1-e1 59 (59–74). Sacral setae (f1 and f2) in marginal position and contiguous. Dorsal body surface wrinkled, on propodosoma irregular medially and mostly oblique laterally, transverse on hysterosoma, more or less arched in the distal part comprised between e3 and h1 setae. Area immediately anterior to h1 setae with fine arched reticulation. Gnathosoma. Stylophore rounded, slightly emarginate anteriorly, longer than wide. Tibial claw of palpus bidentate (Fig. 2C). Palptarsus slightly elongated, longer than tibial claw, about 21 (19–21) long (including setae) with six setae and one solenidion. Eupathidia ul’ζ, ul’’ζ shorter than solenidion, suζ shorter. Peritreme anastomosed distally in an oval enlargement: length 20 (20–26), width 9 (9–11) (Fig. 2D). Venter. Striation transverse between 1st (1a) and 2nd (3a) pairs of setae, irregularly longitudinal (broken medially, oblique laterally) between 2nd and 3rd (4a) pairs of setae, transverse between members of 4a and between 4a and aggenital (ag) pairs of setae. Area immediately anterior to genital flap with irregular longitudinal striation, V-shaped between ag setae. Sacculus of spermatheca small and oval (Fig. 2E). Three pairs of pseudanal setae (ps1–3) and two pairs of ventrocaudal (h2–3) setae present. Legs. Shorter than body length. Leg I 330 (317–335) long (measured from trochanter to tarsus), leg II 249 (237–250), leg III 245 (237–260), leg IV 272 (266–281). Length of segments of leg I as follows: trochanter 24 (21–30), femur 101 (92–108), genu 57 (50–57), tibia 71 (66–74), tarsus 78 (74–78). Leg setal counts as follows (Figs 3A–B, 4A–B): I 2 − 1 − 9 [7-10] − 4 − 9 [8] + (1) – 17[16] + (2) + 2 duplexes; II 1 − 1 – 6[5-7] − 4 –5[3-4] − 15[14] + (2) + 1 duplex; III 1 − 1 – 4[3-5] – 2 [1-3] − 4[5] − 12[11] + 1 duplex; IV 1 − 1 − 4 [3-5] – 2[3] – 6 [4-5] − 13[12-14] + (1). True claws uncinate, with one pair of tenent hairs, empodial pads I-IV similar with two rows of ventrally directed tenent hairs (Fig. 3C). Internal lateral seta l’1 on femur I large 37 (34–40), serrated. Proximal coxisternal seta 1b slender 45 (41–50), distal coxisternal seta 1c shorter 18 (18–21), serrate, stout (Fig. 3D). Tarsus III associated setae serrate and approximate with solenidion forming duplex, tactile member longer and proximal, solenidion about ¾ the length of tactile (Fig. 4C); tarsus IV with solenidion well-separated from tactile, proximal, about 1/3 the length of tactile (Fig. 4D–E). MALE: Unknown DEUTONYMPH: one specimen measured, 520 long (including gnathosoma), width 330. Dorsum. Prodorsal lobes similar in shape to females (Fig. 5A), prodorsal setae v1 and v2 elongated and serrate, v2 the largest about 3 times the length of v1; an imaginary transverse line joining the tips of v2 setae passes well the tips of v1. Dorsal body setae slender, needle-like and serrate, inserted on tubercles. Setae c1 and e1 shorter than distances between consecutive setae, d1 longer than distance between setal insertions d1 and e1. Setae f1 and f2 in marginal position, contiguous. Lengths of dorsal setae: v1 15; v2 44; sc1 58; sc2 -; c1 64; c2 64; c3 39; d1 76; d2 71; d3 70; e1 68; e2 70; e3 74; f1 80; f2 64; h1 63. Legs. Shorter than body length, leg I 233 long (including coxa). Internal lateral seta (l’) on femur I large. Leg setal counts as follows: I 2 − 1 − 6 [5] − 4 − 5 + (1) – 13 + (1) + 2 duplexes; II 1 − 1 – 3 – 4 – 3 − 11 + 1 duplex; III 1 − 1 − 2 − 1 – 3 – 10 + (1); IV 1 − 0 − 2 − 1 – 3 − 10. True claws uncinate with one pair of tenent hairs, empodia with two rows of tenent hairs. Tarsus III with solenidion well-separated from tactile, proximal. PROTONYMPH: one specimen measured, 355 long (including gnathosoma), width 240. Dorsum. Prodorsal lobes absent, v1 very short, poorly indented, not inserted on tubercle, v2 larger, elongate and serrate, inserted on tubercle (Fig. 5B). Other dorsal body setae slender, serrate, inserted on tubercles except c3. Setae f1 and f2 in marginal position, not contiguous. Lengths of dorsal setae: v1 8; v2 37; sc1 -; sc2 30; c1 -; c2 -; c3 21; d1 -; d2 46; d3 -; e1 -; e2 -; e3 44; f1 56; f2 43; h1 45. Legs. Shorter than body length, leg I 196 long (including coxa). Internal dorsal row on femur I with one long seta finely serrate. Leg setal counts as follows: I 2 − 0 – 3 − 4 – 5 + (1) – 9 + 2 duplexes; II 1 − 0 – 3 − 4 – 3 − 9 + 1 duplex; III 1 − 0 – 2 – 1 − 3 − 8; IV 0 − 0 − 2 – 1 – 3 − 6. True claws uncinate with one pair of tenent hairs, empodia with two rows of tenent hairs.
Philippe Auger, Tea Arabuli, Alain Migeon
bibliographic citation
Auger P, Arabuli T, Migeon A (2015) Two new species of Bryobia (Acarina, Prostigmata, Tetranychidae) from South France ZooKeys (480): 21–39
Philippe Auger
Tea Arabuli
Alain Migeon
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