

provided by Zookeys
Male (holotype). Total length: 2.19. Carapace 1.00 long, 0.86 wide, greenish brown in coloration. Sternum 0.59 long, 0.56 wide. Clypeus 0.19 high. Chelicerae promargin with 6 teeth, retromargin with 6 teeth. Eye sizes and interdistances: AME 0.08, ALE 0.09, PME 0.10, PLE 0.10, AME-AME/AME 0.38, PME-PME/PME 0.60, AME-ALE/ALE 0.78, PME-PLE/PLE 1.00, coxae IV separated by 0.78 time their width. Length of legs: I 4.45 (1.19, 0.31, 1.06, 1.17, 0.72), II 3.68 (1.00, 0.31, 0.94, 1.05, 0.38), III 2.52 (0.69, 0.23, 0.53, 0.63, 0.44), IV 3.35 (0.83, 0.25, 0.75, 0.97, 0.55). Leg formula: I-II-IV-III. TmI 0.25. Patellar spine formula 2-2-2-2. Abdomen dark green with three irregular white patches at each lateral side. Palp: patella short, with one long dorsal seta; tibia with two retrolateral trichobothria, and long setae (Fig. 62A–B); paracymbium small, ‘J’-shaped, with a tapering tip (Figs 62B, 65B); lamella with three projections: anterior projection wide and blunt, the posterior one long, straight with slightly curved tip, the lateral one with sharp tip (Figs 62A, 63B). Terminal apophysis stout, broad, forming about one coil (Fig. 62D); median membrane with leaf-like tip (Fig. 62C); embolus simple, bending forward at half length, with beak-like tip (Fig. 62C). Female (paratype). Total length: 2.68. Carapace 1.00 long, 0.64 wide, same coloration and pattern as male. Sternum 0.60 long, 0.50 wide. Clypeus 0.13 high. Chelicerae like in male. Eye sizes and interdistances: AME 0.08, ALE 0.10, PME 0.08, PLE 0.08, AME-AME/AME 0.25, PME-PME/PME 0.25, AME-ALE/ALE 0.30, PME-PLE/PLE 0.25, coxae IV separated by 1.36 times their width. Length of legs: I 4.13 (1.10, 0.34, 1.00, 1.04, 0.65), II 3.90 (1.02, 0.31, 0.94, 1.02, 0.61), III 2.52 (0.70, 0.24, 0.52, 0.66, 0.40), IV 3.52 (0.94, 0.28, 0.75, 1.00, 0.55). Leg formula: I-II-IV-III. TmI 0.60. Spination of patella like in male. Epigyne: atrium broad (Fig. 64A), scape of dorsal fig with a slightly pointed end (Fig. 64C). Spiral grooves with about three coils (Fig. 64B–C). Spermathecae situated mesally (Fig. 64C).
Qingyuan Zhao, Shuqiang Li
bibliographic citation
Zhao Q, Li S (2014) A survey of linyphiid spiders from Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province, China (Araneae, Linyphiidae) ZooKeys (460): 1–181
Qingyuan Zhao
Shuqiang Li
visit source
partner site


provided by Zookeys
Known only from type localities.
Qingyuan Zhao, Shuqiang Li
bibliographic citation
Zhao Q, Li S (2014) A survey of linyphiid spiders from Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province, China (Araneae, Linyphiidae) ZooKeys (460): 1–181
Qingyuan Zhao
Shuqiang Li
visit source
partner site