
Comprehensive Description

provided by EOL staff

The Green-tailed Sunbird is found in northern India (especially in the northeast), Nepal, and Bhutan; it also occurs in Burma (above 1800 meters) and in a small portion of peninsular Thailand, as well as in Laos and Vietnam and possibly extreme southeastern Cambodia. Like many other sunbirds, this species exhibits striking sexual dimorphism, with brightly multicolored males and far less conspicuously colored females. According to Robson (2005), the Green-tailed Sunbird is found in broadleaved evergreen forest and second growth, typically moving from 1400-2745 meters down to around 1140 meters in winter (915 meters in southern Thailand). Cheke and Mann (2008) write that the habitat of this species includes primary forests (such as submontane and montane), woodland, scrub-jungle, rhododendrons and flowering trees, secondary growth, and orchards and gardens. Cheke and Mann give the elevational range as 300-3665 meters, with birds moving to lower elevations in winter. Food is believed to consist of small arthropods and nectar. Foraging height ranges from the canopy to lower levels. Clutches consist of 2 or 3 mottled dark brown eggs placed in an oval purse-like nest suspended from the end of a twig 1.5 to 2 meters above the ground. Nothing is known about incubation or nestling period. Green-tailed Sunbird nests are parasitized by Asian Emerald Cuckoos (Chrysococcyx maculatus). (Robson 2005; Cheke and Mann 2008 and references therein)

Shapiro, Leo
Shapiro, Leo
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EOL staff

Aethopyga nipalensis ( Asturian )

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"Map Les especies d'aves con nome común en llingua asturiana márquense como NOA. En casu contrariu, conséñase'l nome científicu o de la SEO.

Aethopyga nipalensis ye una especie d'ave paseriforme de la familia Nectariniidae.[2][3]

Puede ser atopada nos siguientes países: Bután, República Popular de China, India, Laos, Myanmar, Nepal, Tailandia y Vietnam.

Los sos hábitats naturales son: vexetaciones templaes y rexones subtropicales o tropicales húmedes d'alta altitú.


  1. BirdLife International 2009. 2010 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Datos del 5 de xineru de 2011. (n'inglés)
  2. Aethopyga nipalensis en Birdlife
  3. Aethopyga nipalensis en Biolib


The India Review and Jounal of Foreign Science and the Arts 1 p.273

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Aethopyga nipalensis: Brief Summary ( Asturian )

provided by wikipedia AST
"Map Les especies d'aves con nome común en llingua asturiana márquense como NOA. En casu contrariu, conséñase'l nome científicu o de la SEO.

Aethopyga nipalensis ye una especie d'ave paseriforme de la familia Nectariniidae.

Puede ser atopada nos siguientes países: Bután, República Popular de China, India, Laos, Myanmar, Nepal, Tailandia y Vietnam.

Los sos hábitats naturales son: vexetaciones templaes y rexones subtropicales o tropicales húmedes d'alta altitú.

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wikipedia AST