

provided by World Register of Marine Species
Length: 24-27 cm. Plumage: dark brown above to chest; upper belly ochre, lower belly and crissum white; conspicuous white patch on lower rump and upper tail coverts; axillaries dark red; chin ochre yellow finely edged black, extending from gape; fine pale training edge to wing in flight; tail black; deeply forked. Immature mottled buff above and below, no black collar. Bare parts: iris dark brown; bill black with a red base; feet and legs greyish black. Habitat: estuaries and various other habitats both coastal and inland. Resident; breeds in eastern Africa. <389><391><393>
WoRMS Editorial Board
bibliographic citation
Urban, E. K.; Fry, C. H.; Keith, S. (1986). The Birds of Africa, Volume II. <em>Academic Press, London.</em>
Lorna Depew [email]