Image of Tetrastemma vermiculus (Quatrefages 1846)
Unresolved name


Scientific Names

Preferred Names

Species recognized by Protists in Singapore
Recognized by iNaturalist, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, United Kingdom Species List, South Atlantic Species List, Indian Ocean Species List, Southern Ocean Species List, North Pacific Species List, South Pacific Species List, North Atlantic Species List, North Sea Species List, Celtic Sea Species List, Irish Sea Species List, Kattegat Species List, Skagerrak Species List, English Channel Species List, Bristol Channel Species List, Balearic Sea Species List, Beaufort Sea Species List, Mozambique Channel Species List, Great Australian Bight Species List, Inner Seas off the West Coast of Scotland Species, Caribbean Sea Species List, Gulf of Mexico Species List, Bay of Fundy Species List, Philippine Sea Species List, Yellow Sea Species List, Seto Inland Sea Species List, Sea of Japan Species List, Sea of Okhostk Species List, Bering Sea Species List, Gulf of Alaska Species List, South China Sea Species List, Tasman Sea Species List, Sweden Species List, Delete- old US Species List, Northwestern Passages Species List, Portugal Species List, Mexico Species List, France Species List, Estonia Species List, Germany Species List, Czech Republic Species List, Chile Species List, Coral Sea Species List, Bass Strait Species List, Bay of Biscay Species List, Ivory Coast Species List, Australia Species List, IUCN Structured Data, Norway Species List, NMNH Invertebrate Zoology, Harvard Museum of Comparative Zoology DwCA, Harvard Museum of Comparative Zoology DwCA, BioImages, the virtual fieldguide, UK, Canada Species List, China Species List, Japan Species List, Russia Species List, Alboran Sea Species List, Furui 2020, and United States Species List

Alternative Names

Common Names


Yaraqlı nemerttinlər preferred
Recognized by Wikidata


有針綱 preferred
Recognized by Furui 2020


유침류 preferred
Recognized by Wikidata


خنجرداران preferred
Recognized by Wikidata


Bodavce preferred
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Озброєні немертини preferred
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