
Scientific Names

Preferred Names

Anaphes iole Girault 1911
Species recognized by Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2 1
Reference taxon from Universal Chalcidoidea Database in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Anaphes iole
Recognized by Alaskan Arthropods
Anaphes iole Girault
Recognized by NMNH Entomology
Anaphes iole Girault 1911
Species recognized by GBIF classification
Anaphes (Anaphes) iole Girault 1911
Species recognized by TreatmentBank
Anaphes iole Girault
Species recognized by TreatmentBank
Anaphes iole Girault
Recognized by NMNH type specimens
Anaphes perdubius Girault
Recognized by NMNH type specimens

Alternative Names

Anagrus ovijentatus Crosby & Leonard 1914
Not accepted according to Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2 1
Reference taxon from Universal Chalcidoidea Database in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Anaphes anomocerus (Girault 1929)
Not accepted according to Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2 1
Reference taxon from Universal Chalcidoidea Database in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Anaphes iole anomocerus Girault 1929
Not accepted according to Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2 1
Reference taxon from Universal Chalcidoidea Database in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Anaphes ovijentatus (Crosby & Leonard 1914)
Not accepted according to Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2 1
Reference taxon from Universal Chalcidoidea Database in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Anaphes perdubius Girault 1915
Not accepted according to Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2 1
Reference taxon from Universal Chalcidoidea Database in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Mymar anomocerus (Girault 1929)
Not accepted according to Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2 1
Reference taxon from Universal Chalcidoidea Database in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Mymar iole (Girault 1911)
Not accepted according to Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2 1
Reference taxon from Universal Chalcidoidea Database in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Mymar iole anomocerus (Girault 1929)
Not accepted according to Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2 1
Reference taxon from Universal Chalcidoidea Database in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Mymar ovijentatus (Crosby & Leonard 1914)
Not accepted according to Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2 1
Reference taxon from Universal Chalcidoidea Database in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Mymar perdubius (Girault 1915)
Not accepted according to Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2 1
Reference taxon from Universal Chalcidoidea Database in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life

Common Names

There are no common names associated with this taxon.

Curated hierarchies for Anaphes iole Girault 1911

Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2 1

Cellular Organisms
105 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the resource file for a full list.