
I found this bird outside work today, I think it's sick. Can anybody Identify it?

Image of Woodcock


MJ, who is the director of my library, took a look at it for me and she thought that it might be a sandpiper! She pointed out that most birds with very long, narrow bills, (and legs) evolved to develop that shape for 1 of 2 purposes: 1. Some Insect-Eating birds have developed long, slender bills to probe through holes in tree barks or inside rock crevaces&2. Other Birds develop a long, needle-like bill thats specialized for efficent rooting in mud or sand for worms and mollusksFirstly, I thought that Sandpipers were salt-water birds. This is the 3rd or 4th one we have seen dying in this exact spot in the last 6 months. I wouldn't be so interested to find that many dead birds in one spot (...or in that time period....) if they were common birds here in my region. These dying birds are the only ones of their kind I have EVER seen, as far as I know. I've seen Sandpipers before, but its been years; I was probably about 8 or 9 years old the last time I remember recognizing a Sandpiper,....... but I have no clue as to why they would venture this far up the Chesepeake Bay,..... or why they would collectively converge blocks and blocks away from water to die in this little urban corner of Baltimore.

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