

Image of Polyporales


Byssomerulius corium, syn.: Meruliopsis coriumNetted Crust, Gemeiner LederfaeltlingSlo.: oranna pokrivaaDat.: Oct. 21. 2013Lat.: 46.36027 Long.: 13.70291Code: Bot_765/2013_DSC8975Habitat: Young mixed forest, former pasture, flat terrain, calcareous ground, in shade, partly protected from direct rain by tree canopies, average precipitations ~ 3.000 mm/year, average temperature 7-9 deg C, elevation 600 m (2.000 feet), alpine phytogeographical region.Substratum: dead but still standing branch of Tilia sp.Place: Lower Trenta valley, 'Na Melu' place, east of Trenta 2b cottage, East Julian Alps, Posoje, Slovenia EC Comments: Very common species here around; growing effuse-reflex along a length of about 60 cm in several patches up to 4 cm wide; flesh thin (less than 0.5 mm), leathery; with several small downy pilei of a few mm width; SP abundant, white, oac900.Spores smooth. Dimensions: 7.2(SD= 0.4) x 3.4 (SD= 0.3) , Q= 2.15 (SD= 0.17), n= 30. Olympus CH20 NEA 100x/1.25, magnification 1.000 x, oil, in water. AmScope MA500 digital camera.Ref.:(1) G.J. Krieglsteiner (Hrsg.), Die Grosspilze Bade-Wrttembergs, Band 1, Ulmer (2000), p 260. 6-7/2-3.5(2) A. Bernicchia, S.P. Gorjon, Cortitiaceae s.l., Fungi Europaei Vol.12., Edizioni Candusso (2010), pp 192. 5-7/2.5-3.5.(3) S. Buczacki, Collins Fungi Guide, Collins (2012), p 540. 5-6/2.5-3(4) I.V. Zmitrovich, W.A. Spirin, S.P. Wasser, Variability of Byssomerulius corium in the Mediterranean. Mycotaxon (2006). 97:83-90, cited by Mycobank 4.5-9 x 2.3-4.5

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Amadej Trnkoczy
Amadej Trnkoczy
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