
Image of Hyposmocoma alliterata

Image of <i>Hyposmocoma alliterata</i>


"Hyposmocoma alliterata Walsingham, 1907, to MV light, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 26 March 2014 See description on page 600 and plate XXI: 25 of Walsingham, Fauna Hawaiiensis, Volume 1, Part V: ""Antennae white, annulate with brownish fuscous; basal joint brownish fuscous. Palpi white, the median joint with a brownish fuscous spot beneath at the base and a ring of the same colour before its apex; terminal joint with a brownish fuscous ring before its apex. Head white. Thorax white, with brownish fuscous spots posteriorly and on the tegulae. Forewings silvery white (sometimes with a greenish tinge), with distinct brownish fuscous markings; an oblong patch at the base of the costa; a rather longer patch at the base of the dorsum, its apex turning upward to the fold; a long boot-shaped streak from the costa at one-third, slightly dilated on the costa, extends obliquely outward, the heel crossing the fold, the toe obtusely terminated on the cell above in the direction of a costal spot at two-thirds; an elongate dorsal spot about the tornus, with a small spot at the end of the cell above it and a triangular patch at the apex running through the apical cilia; terminal cilia white, greyish about the tornus. Exp. al. 13-14 mm. Hindwings grey; cilia brownish grey; male with a dark: grey subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen pale brownish cinereous; female with the terminal segments greyish fuscous. Legs pale brownish cinereous, tarsi spotted with greyish fuscous. Type male (261 51); female (26200) Molokai, Mus. Wlsm. HAB. MOLOKAI: above 3000-4000 ft., (6) 5. V.-12. VI. 1893. - MAUI: Haleakala, below 4000-5000 ft., (2) V. 1896.- HAWAII: Kona, 3500-5000 ft., (4) 29. VI.-4. VII. 1892. Twelve specimens."""

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Donald Hobern
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