
Image of Odocoileus virginianus virginianus (Zimmermann 1780)

Image of Odocoileus virginianus virginianus (Zimmermann 1780)


I have some super crazy exciting news. Or it is for me anyways😀 Well about a month ago I was driving my mom back from the store and it was just about to be totally dark and then out of the corner of my eye I saw a doe drinking water at a little pond I was soooo excited!! I told my mom I had to turn around to see it again but by the time we got back she was gone. I have been looking in that area when I get the chance if I am driving by but no luck and I don't get out that much but the last week or so I haven't been getting much sleep and my sleep pattern is all messed up. Stress. So I'm up all night and 3 nights ago I couldn't sleep so around 2am I went and looked at the Vitruvian lights in Addison because I have always wanted to see them and then around 2:30ish I was back in Carrollton and was going to stop by Walmart for some water and figured I would just drive by that area again to see if that doe might be out since it's getting cooler and sure enough she was there but just for a second and then she was gone I was so happy. So I came home and looked up google earth satellite to see more about the area and the next night/morning I drove out there a little before 3 and parked and there was a little skunk running around so that was cool but no doe:( it was almost 4 and I thought to myself if she doesn't come out by 4 I'm just going to head home and just a few minutes before 4 she came walking out of the woods and then I was so excited when a nice 11 or 12 point buck followed her out a few minutes later. I got some pics with my phone but they are so blurry. Not very good quality. Wish I had a good camera I watched them until about 4:30 and then they disappeared back into the woods the night before last I was awake and was going to go by there again but was kind of tired so I just stayed home Well this morning I drove out there again at 4 and was even more excited when I pulled up and saw 3 nice sized bucks eating. Well two were and one was laying down. I could not believe my eyes and my heart was pounding with excitement and I barely got my phone camera open before they were all taking off for the trees and I got one pic of them I sat there for about 10 minutes to see if they would come back out and looked behind me and sure enough they were back out, just a little further behind me so I backed my truck up to try to get a picture and barely got a shot of one of them and they were gone again so I drove around for a few minutes and then came back and there were 3 does out feeding now. I got a decent pic of each of them Merry Christmas🎄 Melinda DeLeon

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