
Image of Tomentose Burying Beetle

Image of Tomentose Burying Beetle


///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Please download and use our open source images for your own purposes. If you do, please reference Macroscopic Solutions. All of the images in our database were captured with the Macropod by Macroscopic Solutions. www.macroscopicsolutions.com Click here to see a brief video about Macroscopic Solutions and the Macropod. Click here to see a brief description about the Macropod. Click here to see instructional videos about our techniques. The Macropod is a rigid, portable photomacrography system, which allows the user to make razor sharp, fully focused photographs of small sized specimens at 18 to 26-megapixel resolution. It overcomes the extreme Depth of Field (DOF) limitations inherent in optics designed to image smaller specimens. Normally, lenses designed for macro will only render a very small fraction of the depth of targeted specimen in sharp focus at any one exposure. The Macropod allows the user to select and make multiple exposures in precise increments along the Z-axis (depth) such that each exposure’s area of sharp focus overlaps with the previous and next exposure. These source images are then transferred to a computer and merged by an image-stacking program. The stacking program (Zerene Stacker by Rik Littlefield) finds and stitches together only the focused pixels from each exposure into one image. The Macropod integrates industry-leading components in a novel and elegant way to achieve these results. Contact information: Mark Smith mark@macroscopicsolutions.com 410 258 6144 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

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