
Radiolaria (Challenger) Plate 016

Image of SAR (Stramenopiles, Alveolates, Rhizaria)


Illustration from Report on the Radiolaria collected by H.M.S. Challenger during the years 1873-1876. Part III. Original description follows:
Plate 16. STYLOSPHÆRIDA et Druppulida. Diam. Fig. 1. Stylosphæra melpomene, n. sp., × 300 Fig. 2. Lithatractus jugatus, n. sp., (vel Stylosphæra jugata), × 400 Fig. 3. Lithatractus fragilis, n. sp. (vel Stylosphæra fragilis), × 400 Fig. 4. Stylosphæra lithatractus, n. sp., × 300 The entire shell. Fig. 5. Stylosphæra lithatractus, n. sp., × 300 The greater part of the cortical shell and the two spines taken off. The description of Stylosphæra lithatractus (intermediate between Stylosphæra jugata and Stylosphæra terpsichore, p. 137) is by mistake not given in the text. Fig. 6. Stylosphæra calliope, n. sp., × 400 Fig. 7. Stylosphæra clio, n. sp., × 400 Fig. 8. Druppatractus ostracion, n. sp., × 300 The entire shell. Fig. 9. Druppatractus ostracion, n. sp., × 300 The anterior half of the cortical shell has been removed. Fig. 10. Druppatractus hippocampus, n. sp., × 300 The entire shell. Fig. 11. Druppatractus hippocampus, n. sp., × 300 The greater part of the cortical shell has been removed. Fig. 12. Stylosphæra nana, n. sp., × 300 The entire shell Fig. 13. Stylosphæra nana, n. sp., × 300 The greater part of the cortical shell taken off. Fig. 14. Sphærostylus ophidium, n. sp., × 300 The entire shell. Fig. 15. Sphærostylus ophidium, n. sp., × 300 The medullary shell alone. Fig. 16. Saturnulus ellipticus, n. sp., × 400 Fig. 17. Saturnulus planetes, n. sp., × 400

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Ernst Haeckel (1834-1919); engravings by Adolf Giltsch (1852-1911).
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