
A naturalist's rambles on the Devonshire coast (Page 67) (5981271106)

Image of Pleurobranchida


animal, I should not have been able to trace any re-
semblance to the ramified trees that had at first
guarded the orifice. It would appear therefore that
they are to be seen in perfection only when the Pholas
is in high health, and newly taken from its rock.
This contrivance, or rather this series of contri-
vances, for the health and comfort of a poor shell-fish
that spends its whole life buried in a sepulchre of
stone, may seem to some but an insignificant matter.
But it strikes my mind with power as an example of
the beneficent care of God over all his creatures, and
of the infinite resources of Divine wisdom in which
creation has been planned and executed. And so far
from the meanness of the object on which such care
is bestowed rendering it less worthy of remark, that
very circumstance ought to enhance our admiration.
It seems less difiicult to conceive of the tender bene-
ficence of God exercised towards an angel, or towards
man who was made in his own image ; but that the
Mind of the High and Lofty One that inhabiteth eter-
nity should occupy itself about the feelings of such a
worm as this, is marvellous indeed ! It is one of those
innumerable examples that occur to the Christian
philosopher, in which " the invisible things of Him from
the creation of the world are clearly seen, being un-
derstood by the things that are made, even his eternal
power and Godhead."
anstey's cove.
April 6th. A lovely spring morning ; one of those
that make one say with the Royal Poet of Israel, " Lo,

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Gosse, Philip Henry; Hullmandel & Walton
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