
GrimaultB Cannabis Indica Cigarettes

Image of Spermatophytes


DETAILS: This 1897 flyer is an important document for the medicinal study of cannabis, because it explains the clinical effects of cannabis in a time before Prohibition and Censorship, so that the negative biases that were created later do not yet intervene. TRANSCRIPTION: (1/2) Cannabis Indica Cigarettes Asthma, laryngitis, insomnia and irritation of the air passages. It is some forty years since Grimault & Cie. of Paris, introduced a neat little cigarette, composed of Indian hemp (Cannabis Indica) with harmless medicinal herbs. These cigarettes created considerable interest at the time, their merits being promptly recognized by the leading authorities on affections of the respiratory organs in Germany and European countries, while their careful and uniform preparation at once secured their general adoption in therapeutics. They have not been advertised or sampled to physicians since, and still are gaining favor as a result of actual experiment, but while these cigarettes are extensively prescribed by the older generation of practitioners in America, the younger members of the profession are less familiar with the prompt relief they afford asthmatic patients, when (2/2) nothing else will arrest the paroxysms and induce easy expectoration or overcome the irritation of the air passages in chronic bronchitis. A cigarette smoked in a closed room gives almost instant comfordt and allows of the refreshing sleep which is so much desired by patients suffering from insomnia and sensation of suffocation and oppression. The low price of these cigarettes (15 cigarettes in original boxes are sold by retail pharmaists for 50 cents) prohibit our sampling the profession freely, but we shall be pleased to furnish to "physicians only", a trial box of Grimault's Cannabis Indica Cigarettes, in the belief that they will appreciate them and freely prescribe them when convinved of their merits and freedom from all untoward after-effects. They are not advertised to the public and may therefore be recommended without hesitation. Each cigarette bears the signature of the firm on the paper. Beware of imitations! Prepared only in the laboratories of Grimault & Co. Paris, France.

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Grimault & Co.
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