
Sunny raised bed with Fritillaria nigra - Flickr - peganum

Image of Liliales


Summary[edit] Description: A couple of items from Paul Christian's Rare Plants nursery. I love the way Fritillaria come out of the soil - whether they erupt upwards (the bigger ones mostly), lie flat on the soil before standing upright (like the F.graeca in the next picture) or like this one, which sort of walking-sticks its way into the light. The Plantfinder insists that F.nigra is just a synonym of pyreniaca which this definitely isn't. Paul Christian generally seems to know what he's talking about (he should do with the sort of things he sells) so I'm going to trust his judgement. He says (if I remember correctly) that it's one of the Russian species and should be fairly easy in the garden being happy with our damp climate. I'll post another shot of it when the flowers open. This is its second year in the garden. It's not increased in numbers but it is bigger than last year. Date: 28 March 2010, 11:59. Source: Sunny raised bed with Fritillaria nigra. Author: peganum from Small Dole, England.

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