
Myriophyllum variifolium habit6 DC (16826861438)

Image of water milfoil family


Description: Native, warm season, perennial aquatic herb. Stems are up to 5 mm diam. and root at the nodes in shallow water. Emergent leaves occur in whorls of usually 5, and are linear to terete, entire or the lowermost with a few teeth, mostly 8–15 mm long and up to 1 mm wide. Plants are monoecious, with male and female flowers on the same shoot, rarely all female, solitary in the axils. Male flowers are sessile; sepals circular to oblong; petals 2–3.5 mm long and yellow to reddish. Female flowers are sessile; sepals and petals absent and stigmas white. Mericarps are cylindrical, about 1.5 mm long, yellowish brown to pale reddish, smooth or weakly and minutely papillose. Found in still or slowly flowing water. Date: 3 October 2014, 14:17. Source: Myriophyllum variifolium habit6 DC. Author: Harry Rose from South West Rocks, Australia.

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Harry Rose
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