

Image of Hypochrysops


Summary[edit] Description: English: Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift Iris1899 Band III TafIV text 1 male, 2 female Hypolycaena phorbas var periphorbas Butler = Hypolycaena phorbas periphorbas Butler, 1882 3 male, 4 female Hypochrysops pagenstecheri Ribbe = Hypochrysops pagenstecheri Ribbe, 1899; Dt. ent. Z. Iris 12 (1): 223, pl. 4, f. 3-4; TL: New Pomerania 5 male Hypochrysops architas Druce = Hypochrysops architas Druce, 1891 6 male Nacaduba meiranganus var uluensis Ribbe = Erysichton lineata uluensis (Ribbe, 1899) New Britain, New Ireland, New Hanover 7 male Nacaduba kokopona Ribbe = Catopyrops kokopona (Ribbe, 1899) 8 male Tysonotis hanno var.moutoni Ribbe = Psychonotis caelius hanno (Grose-Smith, 1894) 9 female Tysonotis chromia Druce = Nacaduba cyanea chromia (Druce, 1891) 10 Thysonotis plotinus var. irregularis Ribbe, 1899 = = Psychonotis caelius hanno (Grose-Smith, 1894) 11 female Tysonotis hamilcar var. pseudochromia Ribbe = Nacaduba cyanea pseudochromia (Ribbe, 1899) 12 male Pseudonotis schneideri Ribbe = Nacaduba schneideri (Ribbe, 1899) 13 male Pseudonotis florinda var. pagenstecheri Ribbe = Arhopala florinda pagenstecheri (Ribbe, 1899) 14 male Cyaniris beretava Ribbe = Udara rona rona (Grose-Smith, 1894) 15 male Deudorix woodfordi var. neopommerana Ribbe = Deudorix woodfordi Druce, 1891*15 male 16 Deudorix woodfordi var. neopommerana Ribbe = Deudorix woodfordi Druce, 1891 17 female Amblypodia faisina Ribbe = Amblypodia annetta faisina Ribbe, 1899 18 Telicota kolbei Ribbe = Mimene kolbei (Ribbe, 1899). Date: 1899. Source: https://archive.org/stream/deutscheentomolo121899gese#page/n452/mode/1up. Author: P Preiss del and lith.

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